Tri Nguyen
Houston Small Business Lawyer
At Tri Nguyen Law Office PC we bring our 19 years of legal experience, insight and business knowledge to serve your Houston small and medium business and to increase the value you will receive from engaging with us.
As we specialize in serving small and medium companies, we have aligned our services with your interests through activities such as our fixed price arrangements, the adoption of the latest communication technologies, continuous learning, and serving as a business partner without a ticking clock in the background.
Yes, we work on a fixed price arrangement with no billable hour or hourly rate. After over a decade of serving small and medium businesses, I have seen that clients are best served when they don’t have to consider the billable hour every time they need legal advice. I look forwards to being the best legal advisor you and your business have ever worked with.
Houston Small Business Lawyer Services
Since you are here, then perhaps you are considering..
. . .a business decision in which some legal counsel seems prudent, whether a specific action such as forming a new business or corporate entity, purchasing a small business, and selling a small business,
. . . a more general question, such as whether some of the existing policies in your small business may no longer be in government compliance,
. . . or perhaps a specific legal situation, where, for example, you are faced with legal circumstances and need legal representation by an attorney?
Whatever your current situation and needs, we are pleased you are here.

Why Tri?

Mr. Tri Nguyen received his law doctorate in 2001 right in the Houston area from The University of Houston Law Center, with its prestigious Houston Law Review ranked in the top 2.5{a8624ae835f44fd217b29d9c66f800725a7ec31a38b1b465dfcc0dc1272e956e} of over 1600 Law Reviews in the nation.
Mr. Nguyen was hired by the Andrews Kurth law firm, (now Hunton, Andrews Kurth LLP), whose firm has offices located internationally in nearly every corner of the world. Mr. Nguyen’s legal career began in their Corporate Finance & Securities law division.
After some years of practice in that firm, Mr. Nguyen left and became the General Counsel to Terrabon, Inc., which was a Houston energy corporation in the bio-fuels industry. Moving with the business from start-up on into production, yielded a wide-range of experience in practical small business legal needs.
Tri, now armed with top-notch training and world-class law firm experience, decided to establish his own law firm, Tri Nguyen Law Office PC, in 2005. Tri could now focus on supporting many more of Houston’s small business owners and managers in their legal needs using his talents to support their particular goals.
But Mr. Tri Nguyen also wanted to serve Houston in another capacity. Besides his law practice, he served as Associate Judge of the Houston Municipal Courts. This gave Tri the additional perspective of the state and city business legal system from the side of the courts and now that understanding can in turn be leveraged to more competently guide and represent your small business.
Mr. Nguyen currently serves a diverse group of companies as their Chief Legal Advisor. Tri has the experience to also provide you with expert legal advice in a wide array of both legal matters and business matters specific to your circumstances. Beyond just “business”, Tri has a concern to understand you and your unique needs. As we started out saying, the best results are obtained by combining both knowledgeable experience and a trusted relationship.
In order to begin building a trusted relationship, Tri offers fixed prices for specific services your business may need. Tri believes win-win relationships are foundational to all successful business transactions. Offering fixed prices for specific services is Tri’s commitment to you, so that a clear cost/benefit decision can be made, given your unique circumstances. Tri has been working with small businesses, here in Houston, long enough to know what needs to get done, how to get it done right and how to do it cost-effectively.
But Do You Even Need to Hire a
Small Business Lawyer?

The last thing most business owners want to think about is hiring a Lawyer. The daily core operations of managing employees, improving sales, and dealing with cash flows are your primary concerns, and rightly so.
We know many small businesses in the Houston area, which are run as tight ships, monitoring all their expenses and allocating capital only towards profitable ends. That often means free online legal advice and legal forms are an attractive option to consider. Hiring an attorney, on the other hand, appears to have become an archaic choice and an unnecessary expense.
Additionally, there is a long-standing perception that lawyers often charge exorbitant rates and bill for more hours than needed. These and other reasons often serve to inhibit hiring an attorney until the situation demands it, having developed into a serious legal problem.
Most small business owners are responsible, honest and due to that believe their risk of facing a lawsuit is quite low. The reality is though, during the life of your business you will likely be threatened with litigation, initiate a case, or require legal counsel. The Insurance Journal published an article regarding the risks for litigation stemming from an employment claim against small and medium businesses broken into state-by-state data. They reported US-based companies have nearly a 12{a8624ae835f44fd217b29d9c66f800725a7ec31a38b1b465dfcc0dc1272e956e} risk for just this type charge being filed.
Overall, a study for the U.S. Chamber Institute for Legal Reform concluded that 43{a8624ae835f44fd217b29d9c66f800725a7ec31a38b1b465dfcc0dc1272e956e} of small businesses were threatened with, or engaged in, litigation. They also found that the US legal system is also the world’s most costly by a wide margin.
These are troubling facts to be reporting regarding our profession, but honestly addressing reality and then working to mitigate your risk is how we together can respond to the system we face.
Avoiding the legal system and litigation must be the focus. That is accomplished by working hard to reduce your business’ legal exposure whether it be regarding employees, customers, properties, contracts or government before the problem arises.
A proverb from our Founding Father, Benjamin Franklin, needs to balance the decision of when it is appropriate to hire an attorney. He said, “An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.” This is especially true in the legal arena.

Legal guidance to avoid entering the American legal system will be just a fraction of the cost compared to what is required to be extricated from a legal issue. Beyond just financial costs, there also is the consideration of additional time and energy required to address the situation which all serves to distract you from necessary operations and important decisions.

If you’ve decided you should consult with an attorney regarding a matter in your small business… Making the right decision for your legal needs ultimately comes down to working with the right individual, and not just hiring a law firm. But who is the right Attorney?
To secure the best outcome for your business, you need a lawyer who has the right training, who has real world experience, who is familiar in your geographic region and industry and who will be committed to putting your needs first. . . a fiduciary.
So, while this is a “business” transaction, it is more than that if it works well. It should be a relationship with an individual whose character and experience matters! It is for this reason that Houston businesses have reached out to Tri for the past 20 years, and we invite you to do so as well.